Our Services

Speech Therapy

Help develop your child’s communication skills. Speech Therapy helps children overcome speech impairments (such as stuttering and lisps).  This type of therapy uses communication aids to help children develop better articulation and communication skills.  Activities such as tongue exercises, speech practice, and use of visual aids help children to correct speech disorders. Speech therapy is available in English, Spanish & Mandarin.

Physical Therapy

The role of the pediatric physical therapist is to evaluate and provide treatment for delays in motor skills by developing the strength and range of motion that children need to move through their environment easily and effectively. In addition to assessment of flexibility, strength, posture, gait, sensory processing, balance, coordination and skill, the pediatric therapist is trained to assess motor development using standardized testing for age equivalents. The long-term goal includes gross motor skill development solid to age with good quality to both sides of the body.

Occupational Therapy

Preparing children for everyday life. Occupational therapy in children helps them improve physical and social skills while building self-esteem and mental acuity.  Through a variety of fun activities, children better prepare themselves for school and other daily activities. Teachers identify hindrances for each child and are thus able to help them in specialized ways.  Occupational Therapy allows the provider to work to meet the child’s specific needs for activities of daily living.

Applied Behavior Analysis

What is Applied Behavior Analysis? 

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. ABA refers to a set of principles that focus on how behaviors change, or are affected by the environment, as well as how learning takes place. ABA requires the implementation of established principles of learning, behavioral strategies, and environmental modifications to improve and teach new behaviors.

Behavior analysis helps us to understand:

  • How behavior works
  • How behavior is affected by the environment
  • How learning takes place


ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.


ABA therapy programs can help:

  • Increase language and communication skills
  • Improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics
  • Decrease problem behaviors


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